Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We're Finally Parents!!

Yay! We have finally reached our destination! We have officially become parents-- foster parents, of course!

Last Monday, we got a call from our resource worker and she wanted to know if we'd be interested in fostering a 4 week old infant boy. It took me all of one second to respond a resounding YES! So, it was done. Just a mere 5 hours later, a social worker brought him to our home. Immediately, I was in love! He was the cutest little baby ever! So "Drew" is now living with us.

Due to confidentiality restrictions, I can't tell you much about his story. But, he was born into foster care and due to unforeseen circumstances, he was not able to live with that particular family. His birth parents are young. Also due to those same confidentiality restrictions, I can't post any pictures of him. But take it from me- he's simply gorgeous! He's a tiny little baby-- only 9 pounds at 4 weeks old! He's still wearing newborn clothes. He has the biggest blue eyes that are wide with amazement.

rew" is teaching us all about being parents. He's an awesome little boy- he only cries when he's hungry or wet, or when we give him a bath. He wakes up only once or twice in a night to eat, then returns to his sweet dreams. We've learned more in the past 7 days that we ever imagined!

We don't know how long he'll be with us. Time will tell. But, we know we are being the best parents for him at this moment in his life. And no matter what the future holds, we know we'll have shaped his life in a positive manner with our love.

1 comment:

The C's said...

You and Stephen are such special people. Drew is soooo lucky to have you both. So happy for you!!