Friday, October 10, 2008

Frustrated, to say the least

Ok, ok. I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. But my frustration for the system is overwhelming and I just really haven't wanted to put it in writing.

I have been told that our home study has been sent to the Alabama Department of Human Resources for review (yes, still in review-- just a different party!). It was just sent this week. No one can tell us an estimate of how long it will take them to review it. It's just another waiting game. Then what, you ask? Well, after it is approved by ADHR, it has to be sent to INS for another review and approval. We'll have to have another set of fingerprints done for them. Then, it goes to the consulate and on to China. I think this is a never ending project! It's so frustrating because we are dealing with "experts" but a lot of our questions seem to go unanswered. Either that, or we are asking too many questions (which I have been said to do!).

Hopefully, we'll have good news soon. Keep your fingers crossed!