Sunday, December 20, 2009

21 Days to Make a Habit

A while back at work, I took a Franklin-Covey time management class. During the class, it was said it takes 21 days to make a habit. It's tried and true. I believe it because I experienced it just after I took the class and we've just experienced it again. (Today is the 21st day with Drew in our lives).

One habit that I've already made since he's arrived is the habit of making bottles. OK, maybe this isn't a habit, but I would rather not call it a chore. Wash, rinse, dry, fill. This cycle seems to be never ending! After 21 days, I believe that I could do this in my sleep!

Speaking of sleep...that's another habit worth noting. I've had to change my sleeping habits- no more sleeping until 10 am on Saturday mornings! But, Stephen's sleeping habits haven't changed at all! Oh well. A girl can still dream, right?! Drew's sleeping pattern is beginning to change too. He's staying awake a lot longer in between bottles and has even slept through the night a couple of times.

And a habit I hope we aren't making a mistake by doing...the habit of rocking him to sleep. There is nothing sweeter than looking down at his little sweet face when he's trying to fall asleep. He fights Mr. Sandman every night, but never wins. It is a long battle some nights. Some say we are spoiling him, but this is one habit that I have become addicted to doing.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions

We've been asked many questions about our foster child and the experience we've had over the past couple of weeks. I thought I'd take a few minutes and try to provide some questions to the most common questions.

Why can you post pictures to the blog or Facebook? It's a confidentiality restriction by DHR. All of the details about the baby and how he has come to live with us is confidential. Of course, we can share some of the generic facts, but nothing that can reveal his identity.

How long will you keep him? This is more difficult to answer. We really don't know. It could be a few more days, it could be a few months, it could be forever. There are a lot of moving pieces to the equation. What I know for sure, however long we have him will be a blessing.

What have been the biggest changes to your life since you've had him? Everything has changed!! Our sleeping schedule is now determined by his sleeping schedule. We've had to adjust the heat at our house- we typically keep the temperature in the winter around 68 degrees, but with the baby, we've had to adjust it upward to 72 degrees. Finding the time to do laundry is a challenge (maybe because I use the baby as an excuse for not doing it at all!).

How is Baxter reacting to the baby? Baxter was a little stand-offish at first. He would simply smell Drew's head or feet and then back off. I guess the newness has worn off! Now, I may have Drew on one knee and Baxter on the other! Drew gets a good sniffing and a kiss from Baxter when we get home everyday.

Is there anything he needs? This is a loaded question! Unlike most children that come into foster care, he came to us with a lot of stuff-- clothes, diapers, blankets, bottles. He came with a car seat and swing too! We've only had to purchase formula and wipes. We've also purchased a play gym for his developmental needs. He's quickly outgrowing his newborn sleepers, but we have plenty of 0-3 months replacements. So for now, I think we're good on supplies.

These are just a few of the questions, but they are the most common. He's an adorable child and we are enjoying every minute of every day with him. We ask that you keep us in your prayers that everything works out according to His plan.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We're Finally Parents!!

Yay! We have finally reached our destination! We have officially become parents-- foster parents, of course!

Last Monday, we got a call from our resource worker and she wanted to know if we'd be interested in fostering a 4 week old infant boy. It took me all of one second to respond a resounding YES! So, it was done. Just a mere 5 hours later, a social worker brought him to our home. Immediately, I was in love! He was the cutest little baby ever! So "Drew" is now living with us.

Due to confidentiality restrictions, I can't tell you much about his story. But, he was born into foster care and due to unforeseen circumstances, he was not able to live with that particular family. His birth parents are young. Also due to those same confidentiality restrictions, I can't post any pictures of him. But take it from me- he's simply gorgeous! He's a tiny little baby-- only 9 pounds at 4 weeks old! He's still wearing newborn clothes. He has the biggest blue eyes that are wide with amazement.

rew" is teaching us all about being parents. He's an awesome little boy- he only cries when he's hungry or wet, or when we give him a bath. He wakes up only once or twice in a night to eat, then returns to his sweet dreams. We've learned more in the past 7 days that we ever imagined!

We don't know how long he'll be with us. Time will tell. But, we know we are being the best parents for him at this moment in his life. And no matter what the future holds, we know we'll have shaped his life in a positive manner with our love.