Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Long Week

It's been a long, long week. And we don't really have anything new to report- unfortunately. I met with our accountant this week and our taxes are done! That's an accomplishment in itself! But the better news from this happening is that Stephen's letter for his self-employment is complete.

We haven't heard from our adoption agency on the home study approval. But, I think we should hear something this week. I hope it's positive news so we can move forward. We have to complete our personal application letter (explaining who we are and why we want a baby from China) and gather some pictures to go along with it. Can you believe I am actually stressing out over the pictures?! We have many from which we can pick, but I want to send the best of the best. I may need to post a few and let you decide!

I know this was a quick post. But, I am going to get in the pool for a little while. For those who have requested a picture of it, here it is-- but keep in mind that we haven't done the landscaping yet!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to come over for a swim!

Anonymous said...

Sad thing you have a moocher of a neighbor. Tell her to build her own instead of harrassing neighbors. Plus it would be a huge liability.