Monday, June 2, 2008

At Long Last...

I know I haven't updated in a while, but I really haven't had much to tell. Gimme has been shopping and bought more clothes and our pool if finally ready for swimming. That's been the most exciting news that we've had lately.

But now- hold on to your seats! Our home study is completed!!! It took us a while to get in touch with our social worker, but at long last, we have it and it's done! We reviewed it this weekend and found a few typos, so I sent it back to her this morning. She's already sent it to our adoption agency for approval. Once all of this happens, then we can get the dreaded form completed. I just hope it doesn't take long for it to come back to us. It's a recently updated form and I have received several emails about things they are finding out AFTER the form was submitted and returned for errors. Let's hope we can get ours right the first time!!

The most recent newsletter we received from the agency said that typical wait times have been extended from 24 months to 28 months. Let's pray that the time frames get shorter after the Olympics and after the cleanup on the earthquake damage.

So, that's all for now. I'll try to post some pictures this coming up weekend.


The C's said...

That's excellent news on the homestudy. I will be praying for a quick approval process!!

Anonymous said...

Nice update!! Can't wait to see some pictures!!

I think Stevie needs to update the blog some too! =)

Jennie said...

That is great news Dianna!
I hope that you are right - that after the Olympics - things will pick up with the wait time! I am happy for you!!!