Sunday, August 17, 2008

No News is Good News?

Who believes that old quip anyway? I am quickly believing that no news means nothing is getting done! I talked with my social worker this week-- believe it or not! The only news I received was "we're working on it." I am at a low point and I don't know what to do. I saw a friend of mine this weekend and she's going through this adoption stuff for the second time (she obviously has more patience than I do-- I don't know how she is keeping her sanity). She's going to try and get some information for me this week. I only hope it is good news.

On a different note, I have been looking at all kinds of blogs this morning. The old saying, it's a small world is true!! Just by looking at the blog of one of my high school friends, I have seen so many other blogs of friends of days gone by. Is it strange to leave them a message out of the blue? Or am I just being weird? I feel like I am stalking them unless I leave a message! But after 10 years of seeing them, would they really even remember who I am? I think I need some blogging etiquette advice!!


The Myrick's said...

Hey Diana,
So good to hear from you. I knew you were in the process of adoption. I hear it can be quite frustrating. I have a set of friends that adopted from Russia and China. We also have a friend that is trying to adopt from China now, but it is a slow go. I wish you the best. I will keep up on your blog. Take care and so good to hear from you.

The Prescott's said...

I think the proper 'blogiquette' would be to send a note to let them know you found them. But I'm a total blog stalker, and must admit that I have not sent notes to those that I stalk - oops...did I say that out loud!? Guess I must say hello to those I am blog stalking!

Anonymous said...

I totally know what you are saying. When I hop on someone's blog, I feel like an uninvited guest. Oh, well. If they really wanted privacy then the blog would be kept as invited readers only. READ ON! I think that is the best thing about these. People you think of, though you would not CALL on the phone, have their goings on on line. I check them out and feel I don't need to call. I think it is a good way to keep in touch--stalking and all. I am glad you visit our site. I love seeing Amelia Quest on there. When you finally get your daughter she is going to be lucky to have you and her great name! Hang in there Diana. Spend the time journaling about the experience. Amelia will be thrilled later in life to see how much you yearned for her to be in your family. It will mean a lot to her that you loved her way before she was even born (may be the case if they take forever). Anyway, keep blogging. I love stalking you.

Anonymous said...

Hello Diana,

I know that it's hard waiting for the adoption to come through. I know that this probably doesn't help matters any, but when the two of you are able to hold her in your arms for the first time, it will be well worth the wait. I know two different couples that adopted from Russia. Both of them said that all the wait was worth it when they were first able to lay their eyes on their little ones. Just hang in there and don't drive yourself too crazy.
