Monday, July 7, 2008

Officially time for vacation!

I am at my wit's end! I know I have said it before, but this time, it is more true than my other rants!! I figured that it has been 61 days since my social worker told me that my home study was ready. Here it is- a mere 61 days later, and still, we haven't received it. I just don't know what to do. I have been praying for patience and understanding, but at some point something HAS to happen, right?! I know that patience is a virtue, but really? 61 days? Come on!

On a brighter note (and please forgive me for ranting), we leave for Gulf Shores on Friday. Stephen can't go for the entire week, so we are getting a head start on Friday. I am really excited! A vacation is very well needed at this point. The ONLY good thing about the delay is at least now I can get a picture of all of the family together at the beach! That picture will definitely be part of my dossier!! I will post it when I return from the beach!


Jennie said...

Whoo Hoo! Have fun at the beach Dianna! Maybe when you come back there will be some good news waiting for you!

Anonymous said...

Social worker=government, right? There you go.