Monday, May 12, 2008


I have nothing new to post. We've not progressed any further on the process. We are waiting for our social worker to complete our home study and send it to us for review. We are waiting to get an appointment with our accountant so we can get our financials done. We just seem to be waiting and hoping.

We have completed the office and we've moved in the furniture. It's quite comfortable. I'll try to get a few pictures on here soon. I want to finished one last thing before we take any pictures. But, hopefully, that will be done soon.

We bought an above the ground pool. It's been an interesting process to put it up. The first time, it was unlevel to the point of being dangerous. So, we had to drain it. We cleared off a bigger space in the yard and reset it. Then, we realized we had a small hole in the liner from the move. It has been patched and has now been filled with water. Even though it will be rainy this week, we hope that it will be warm enough to take a dip this weekend! I will try to get a few pictures of it this week too.

My mom has been shopping, again! I think little Amelia will be a little bit spoiled by the time she finally arrives. She has a ton of onesies! And many, many dresses! Stephen has even joked that we'll have disposable clothes- she'll wear and outfit once and then we'll throw it out! Even then, she'll probably have so many outfits that she won't be able to wear all of them without changing clothes every hour on the hour!

More ramblings later...

1 comment:

The C's said...

How is the pool? I am sure you are loving it! Things have been crazy around here...I am ready to get settled. Update when you can. I love reading the blog!!
Love, Kea